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The Constant Challenges Faced When Accounting for Change Orders & Claims

Sep 01, 2020

No matter how much preparation and planning goes into a project, there is always the chance that ...

Risk Management Accounting Building Profits
Treasurer’s Report for FYE 2020

Jan 29, 2021

In these uncertain times, I’m pleased to say with confidence that, thanks to the hard work and de...

Accounting Reporting Building Profits
New Money Market Fund Rules Require Plan Sponsor Review

Sep 01, 2016

In July 2014, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) – the primary regulator of money ...

Accounting Reporting
Managing Transfer Pricing: Impact of OECD Action Plan

Apr 01, 2016

In October 2015, the 34 member countries of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Develop...

Accounting Reporting
Managing Cash Flow Amid COVID-19

Jul 01, 2020

Companies across the U.S. have felt the immediate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in devastating ...

Accounting Budgeting & Planning Building Profits
The Basics of Month-End Close

May 01, 2017

Every contractor can benefit from a systematic, timely monthly closeout process – regardless of ...

Mid-Firm CFOs Discuss Top Challenges at CFMA’s 2018 Annual Conference in Miami

Mar 24, 2021

The Mid-Firm Contractor Roundtable Session on June 26 drew more than 150 construction financial p...

Talkin’ Financing: Credit Trends & Forecasts

Mar 01, 2020

Today’s market is awash in liquidity and characterized by continued optimism for the future, but ...

Accounting Reporting Building Profits
Walking Through the Financial Forecast

Jan 01, 2020

Walk through the process of creating a reliable & repeatable forecast.

Accounting Budgeting & Planning Contracts Building Profits
Small-Firm CFOs Discuss Top Challenges at CFMA’s 2020 Virtual Annual Conference

Jul 01, 2020

The Small-Firm Contractor Roundtable Session on June 26, 2020 drew more than 76 construction fina...

Medium-Firm CFOs Discuss Top Challenges at CFMA’s 2020 Virtual Annual Conference

Jul 01, 2020

The Medium-Firm Contractor Roundtable Session on June 26, 2020 drew more than 140 construction fi...

Large-Firm CFOs Discuss Top Challenges at CFMA’s 2020 Virtual Annual Conference June 26, 2020

Jul 01, 2020

The morning roundtable discussion was attended remotely by approximately 161 members in a special...

How to Become Your CPA's Favorite Client

Jan 22, 2021

I’ll let you in on a secret: Unlike parents who love all their children equally, CPAs have some c...

Accounting Building Profits
Managing The Payment Chain: Collaboration, Not Control

Jan 22, 2021

On construction jobs, where company leaders must work externally across multiple stakeholders, gr...

Accounting Building Profits
Turning Numbers Into Insight: Enhance Your Influence & Credibility

Nov 01, 2018

As the economy strengthens, construction financial professionals have an exciting opportunity to ...

Accounting Economy Building Profits
Improve Your Company’s Billing & Collections

Jan 22, 2021

Contractors take on tremendous risk when they perform work.

Accounting Reporting Building Profits
CFMA’s 2018 Construction Financial Benchmarker Executive Summary

Jan 22, 2021

CFMA and Industry Insights are pleased to present the Executive Summary from CFMA’s 2018 Construc...

Accounting Reporting Building Profits Benchmarking
Automate & Consolidate: Internal Financial Statements Made Easy

May 01, 2018

Regardless of company size or complexity, timely and accurate financial statements are critical.

Accounting Reporting Building Profits
Embedding Cost Control Culture into the Project Cycle

Mar 01, 2019

Sometimes financial situations can cause a contractor to fail, but can likely be avoided.

Accounting Building Profits Reporting
Equipment Acquisition & Disposal Strategies

Aug 01, 2019

When contractors are considering purchasing equipment for their fleet there are several factors t...

Heavy Highway Accounting
Keys To Building A Reliable & Repeatable Financial Forecast

Jan 29, 2021

A reliable financial forecast is a powerful tool. It can transform your role as CFM, as well as ...

Accounting Building Profits
Showing 1 to 21 of 140 entries