We apologize for the brief delay in launching CFMA’s new education and certification platforms. The CCIFP Recertification deadline has been extended to April 30, 2025. We truly appreciate your patience as we put the finishing touches on changes that are designed to improve and enhance your CFMA experience!

CPE Credit Info

CFMA uses a partner to deliver and store online programs, as well as continuing professional education (CPE) certificates. This site is informally referred to as the “Digitell site,” because Digitell is the name of the company that provides the streaming services for CFMA, as well as storing recorded programs and delivering CPE evaluations, and storing CPE certificates. It’s a site that is separate from CFMA.org. 

Access Your CPE Credits

Looking for your CPE credits? Follow these instructions to find your previous online programs, as well as CPE certificates or receipts for program registrations (Live and On-Demand).

  1. Click this link and log in.
  2. Once you are logged in, click the “My Account” link at the top of the page.


On this page are numerous options:

  1. My Events
    If you register for a live program, this is how you can join that program as well as view the recorded session(s) after the live program ends.
  2. Owned Content
    This is where you will find your On-Demand purchases (recorded, not live)
  3. Self Study
    This is where you will find the CFM Academy and any CPE on-demand courses you own.
  4. Chapter Events
    This page allows you to complete your CPE evaluations for CFMA Chapter events, as well as regional conferences.
  5. CPE Transcripts
    View and download all CPE certificates for which you’ve completed an online evaluation. This includes online and CFMA Chapter events, as well as regional and national conferences, plus certain industry conferences (AGC/CFMA, etc.).
  6. Order History
    Print a receipt for any online program for which you’ve registered or purchased.
    This will not include receipts for CFMA Chapter events or any conference.

“Redeem Code” is used only once a year for CFMA’s Annual Conference & Exhibition.

“Account Info” allows you to view your personal information. You cannot make changes to your personal info on this site. You would need to do that on CFMA.org.

CPE Credit Requirements for CPAs

Continuing professional education (CPE) credits are required for CPAs to maintain their professional competence and provide quality professional services. CPAs are responsible for complying with all applicable CPE credit requirements, rules, and regulations of state boards of accountancy, as well as those of membership associations and other professional organizations. Follow the links below to become familiar with the CPE Standards issued by AICPA and NASBA, learn the CPE credit requirements for AICPA members, and find out the specific CPE credit requirements for each state board and society.

AICPA & NASBA Give Final Approval for Continuing Professional Education Program Standards

In January 2012, the Board of Directors for the AICPA and National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) voted to give final approval to the Statement on Standards for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs (Standards). The jointly published Standards provide a framework for the development, presentation, measurement, and reporting of CPE credit programs. The New Standards are effective July 1, 2012 (except self-study programs already in existence as of December 31, 2011; they are effective March 1, 2014).

CPE Credits Required for Maintaining Your CPA License

Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) must adhere to the continuing education requirements set forth by the State Board of Accountancy of the state(s) where a CPA license is held. The requirements for continuing professional education vary from state to state. Although the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy provides standards for the development and delivery of CPE credit programs and many CPE credit providers comply with these standards, there are cases where the requirements of the individual State Boards may be more restrictive. In these cases, adhering to NASBA standards may not be sufficient for the CPE credit program to be deemed acceptable to the licensing board of that particular state. For this reason, it is important for the CPA to make sure they understand the rules that they are required to abide by.

View state CPE credit requirements

CPAs may be responsible for adhering to the CPE credit requirements of multiple entities. For example, the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) requires its members to adhere to certain CPE credit requirements for maintaining membership. There are also special CPE credit requirements for those performing work related to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).

Continuing Education Requirements for CCIFPs


Who Must Comply?

CCIFP requires that each active Certified Construction Industry Financial Professional (CCIFP) complete 72 hours of continuing education triennially to be eligible for renewal of their certification. CPE credits or equivalent continuing education hours shall be relevant to the practice of construction financial management, and earned in the following ratio: 

  • A minimum of two-thirds (or 48 hours) of construction-specific continuing education; and
  • Up to one-third (or 24 hours) of general topic continuing education

The full 72 hours of CPE credits or equivalent continuing education hours may be earned in construction-specific qualifying activities; there is no requirement to earn general topic continuing education. 

Click here to read more

Triennial Requirement

For the initial certification period: Credits shall be prorated in the first year of certification according to the Credit Proration Schedule developed by the Compliance & Recertification Committee. Each CCIFP thereafter must earn 48 hours of continuing education in the remaining 2-years. Only continuing education hours earned on or after the initial date of certification shall be accepted for recertification requirements.  

For subsequent certification periods: Each CCIFP must earn 72 hours of continuing education in each 3-year certification period. Only continuing education hours earned on or after the initial date of certification shall be accepted for recertification requirements.  

The annual recertification period is April 1 through March 31. Continuing education must be earned between April 1 and March 31.  

If the registrant earns more than the required 72 hours in any renewal period, a maximum of 12 of the remaining hours may be carried forward into the following renewal period.

Qualifying Activities

Acceptable CPE credits or equivalent hours for CCIFPs include:

  • Successful completion or auditing of accredited college credit courses relevant to the practice of construction financial management
  • Successful completion of approved continuing education courses offered by a professional or trade organization, university or college, or offered in-house by an entity relevant to the practice of construction financial management
  • Successful completion of an approved seminar, conference, convention, or workshop relevant to the practice of construction financial management
  • Successful completion of approved online courses relevant to the practice of construction financial management
  • Authoring published papers, articles, or books (to be used only once and only in the year that it was published) for a maximum of 12 credits toward recertification in any 3-year period
  • Teaching or instructing construction financial management relevant courses, seminars, or workshops for a maximum of 16 credits annually (a course title may be submitted only once in any 3-year period)
  • Live web seminars relevant to the practice of construction financial management where the provider is able to verify and confirm attendance and participation
  • For full-time faculty teaching at a college or university, a total of 12 hours may be claimed one-time only for teaching a construction financial management course in an accredited curriculum
  • Being an officer or committee chair, at the local or national level, of any of the following construction industry organizations: ABC, ACCE, AGC, ASA, CFMA, CICPAC, or NAWIC (credit granted for service in only one organization annually)

Non-qualifying Activities

Unacceptable CPE credits or equivalent hours for CCIFPs include:

  • Elementary and entry-level training normally expected to have been completed by construction financial professionals prior to CCIFP application
  • Regular full-time employment
  • Any level of computer courses in spreadsheet, word processing, presentation, or web design software (MS Office, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Dream Weaver, etc.)
  • Self-directed study
  • Topics not relevant to the construction financial management profession
  • Attending general committee or business meetings as required by your employment
  • A published book, article, or paper prior to the applicable reporting period
  • Any formal professional examinations, including the CCIFP examination

CPE Credits or Equivalent Continuing Education Conversion Hours

  • 50 minute CPE credit hour of attendance at a conference, seminar, or workshop = 1 CPE credit hour
  • 1 accredited university or college credit = 3 CPE credit hours
  • 1 continuing education credit (CLU, CE, CEU, etc.) = 1 CPE credit hour
  • 1 published paper, article, or book (only in the year published) = a maximum of 12 CPE credit hours
  • 1 year of service as an officer or committee member of an approved construction financial professional society or association = 2 CPE credit hours (up to a maximum of 6 credits in any 3-year period)
  • 1 contact hour of teaching a class, course, seminar, or workshop = 2 CPE credit hours (a course title may only be submitted once in a 3-year period, up to a maximum of 8 contact hours annually)


Each CCIFP shall be responsible for maintaining records to support his or her own professional development hours. Records required include, but are not limited to:

  • A log showing the type of activity claimed, sponsoring organization, location, duration, instructors or speaker’s name, and hours earned
  • Documents supporting evidence of attendance: completion certificates, attendance log, or other documents supporting evidence of completion

Records must be maintained for a period of three years. Such documentation shall be made available to the Compliance & Recertification Committee for random audit and/or verification purposes. Documentation must support the professional development hours claimed.

CPE Credit Tracking

To record CPE credits for your CCIFP credential, please refer to this user guide and further information can be found on the CCIFP Recertification page. If you have any additional questions regarding CPE credit entry, please contact the CCIFP at 609-945-2400. Please note that all credits entered are subject to audit by CCIFP.