Building Profits

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Prefabrication & Modular Construction Trends from the Latest Dodge Data & Analytics Study

Jun 01, 2020

Prefabrication and modular construction are getting renewed attention due to the benefits they of...

Budgeting & Planning Building Profits
Post-Pandemic Risk Management: Audits, OSHA & Employment Practices

Jul 01, 2020

To help manage your company’s business and employee risks related to COVID-19, this article cover...

Risk Management Building Profits
The Influence of Technology on the CFO’s Evolving Role

Jul 01, 2020

From the way we work to how we interact, modern technology greatly impacts our daily lives. In so...

Information Technology Leadership Building Profits
Strategy is Changing, Again: Why COVID-19 Supports More Strategic Thinking

May 01, 2020

Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it may appear that strategy is dead; that strategic l...

Budgeting & Planning Human Resources Building Profits
Employee Retention Beyond Bonuses: Five Considerations

Mar 01, 2020

Gone are the days when an employee would retire comfortably from the company that they worked for...

Human Resources Building Profits
Fiscal Policy & Benchmarking: Managing the Downturn

May 01, 2020

As we manage the economic impact of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), it is important to have a str...

Budgeting & Planning Building Profits
Two 2019 Tax Laws Impact Multiple Years

May 01, 2020

When preparing their 2019 tax returns, construction companies and their shareholders should consi...

Taxes Building Profits
Beyond Guaranteed Cost: Best Practices to Reduce Workers’ Comp Costs

May 01, 2020

Companies with a singular vision for improving risk management experience the best results while ...

Risk Management Building Profits
How to Become Your CPA's Favorite Client

Jan 22, 2021

I’ll let you in on a secret: Unlike parents who love all their children equally, CPAs have some c...

Accounting Building Profits
Managing The Payment Chain: Collaboration, Not Control

Jan 22, 2021

On construction jobs, where company leaders must work externally across multiple stakeholders, gr...

Accounting Building Profits
Improve Your Company’s Recruitment & Retention Culture

Jan 22, 2021

It’s no secret that there are currently more jobs available in construction than there are people...

Workforce Building Profits Human Resources
Meals & Entertainment Deductibility: New Requirements & Opportunities

Jan 22, 2021

Before your company opens up a new cafeteria for employees or starts courting potential clients, ...

Taxes Building Profits
Service to Others

Mar 01, 2020

I am both honored and excited to have the opportunity to serve as the 2020-21 Chairman of the ICC...

Human Resources Leadership Building Profits
Pioneering the Way

Mar 01, 2020

While drafting my final message, I was inspired by Bob Moulder, an incredible pioneer of CFMA’s D...

Human Resources Leadership Building Profits
My CFMA Leadership Path

Mar 01, 2020

My construction financial management career began in 1994 when I became Controller for WestCor Co...

Human Resources Leadership Building Profits
Soultastic: Strategic Business Planning & Your Corporate Soul

Jan 22, 2021

Much has been written on strategic business planning.

Budgeting & Planning Building Profits
Gain the Advantage: Diversify Your Corporate Board

Over the years, we have found that bringing in external directors to diversify the boardroom bri...

Workforce Building Profits
Six Ways to Build Better Employee Benefits

Jan 22, 2021

Once seen as an added perk, employee benefits now form an integral and expected part of employee ...

Budgeting & Planning Building Profits
The Future of Construction Finance

May 01, 2020

Since my first Chairman’s message just a short time ago, the COVID-19 pandemic has altered the d...

Human Resources Leadership Building Profits
Meet Your Volunteer 2020-21 Executive Officers

May 01, 2020

How has CFMA helped you lead with clarity?

Leadership Building Profits
How GCs Can Navigate HR & the Payment Chain Around Recent Legislation

With recent legislation changes in California and other states, there have been decidedly more HR...

Building Profits Human Resources Workforce
Showing 43 to 63 of 529 entries