We apologize for the brief delay in launching CFMA’s new education and certification platforms. The CCIFP Recertification deadline has been extended to April 30, 2025. We truly appreciate your patience as we put the finishing touches on changes that are designed to improve and enhance your CFMA experience!

CFMA Member Awards

Joe Quigley Memorial Chapter Award

On May 17, 1999, CFMA’s Executive Committee unanimously approved the creation of the Joe Quigley Memorial Chapter Award in memory of former CFMA President and Valley of the Sun Chapter founding member and leader, Joe Quigley. Joe’s commitment to chapter activities, and CFMA in general, epitomizes the dedication and commitment of CFMA volunteers.

This Memorial Award recognizes outstanding chapter participation and activity. It is given each year to that CFMA General or Associate Member who exemplifies the following:

  • Enthusiasm in the promotion of CFMA at the chapter level
  • Contribution at the chapter level (including participation in CFMA functions and committees)
  • Activities that support CFMA’s Mission and Strategic Goals
  • Consideration for, and service to, fellow CFMA members and the community
  • Significant years of contributions to CFMA

Melvin joined the Greater New Orleans Chapter in 2017 and has been part of the chapter’s board since 2018. He has served as the chapter’s President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer as well as its Suicide Prevention Chapter Champion and Scholarship Chair. Melvin also serves on CFMA’s Membership Committee where he is currently serving as Vice Chair.

Melvin shows committed dedication to CFMA at a chapter and national level. Over the past several years, Melvin has taken on multiple roles at the Greater New Orleans chapter and excelled in each of them. He strives for continuous improvement of the chapter and exemplifies servant leadership. He wears multiple hats to ensure the success of the chapter and exhibits palpable enthusiasm for all things CFMA.


2024 Melvin Schneider, CCIFP (Greater New Orleans Chapter)
2023 Jennifer Tindal CPA, CCIFP (Charlotte Chapter)
2022 Matthew Beerbower (Colorado Chapter)
2021 Daniel Sarzynski (Niagara Frontier Chapter)
2020 Travis Foth, CCIFP (Orange County Chapter)
2019 Mary Grandy, CCIFP (Sacramento Chapter)
2018 Kimberly A. Hullfish, CCIFP (Philadelphia & South Jersey Chapter)
2017 Shawn Erickson, CCIFP (Chicago Chapter)
2016 Tony R. Stagliano, CCIFP (South Jersey & Philadelphia Chapter)
2015 David L. James (Valley of the Sun Chapter)
2014 Wendy Byerley (Philadelphia Chapter)
2013 Mike Orr (Dallas/Fort Worth Chapter)
2012 Lisa Vandergriff (The Last Frontier Chapter)
2011 Dennis Bhachu (San Francisco Chapter)
2010 Janice Lowery (Central Florida Chapter)
2009 Richard J. DeVries (Fox River Valley Chapter)
2008 Robert E. Moulder (Dallas/Forth Worth Chapter)
2007 Balinda Pegram (Mississippi Chapter)
2006 Joseph Burkett, CCIFP (Massachusetts Chapter)
2005 Antonio J. Santos (Silicon Valley Chapter)
2004 Marjorie J. Weber, CCIFP (Valley of the Sun Chapter)
2003 Ron Marshall (Chicago Chapter)
2002 Linda L. Muscatell (Colorado Chapter)
2001 Richard M. Huber (Philadelphia Chapter)
2000 Leticia J. Hardwick (Albuquerque Chapter)

Nominate a Member

Nominate a deserving member for the Joe Quigley Memorial Chapter Award!

2024 Scott Rooney (Central Virginia Chapter)
2023 Jen Haub CPA, CCIFP (Chicago Chapter)
2022 Michael Viens (Philadelphia/South Jersey Chapters)
2021 Michelle Walker (Valley of the Sun Chapter)
2020 Kelli Franco (Inland Northwest Chapter)
2019 Dave Sauerman (Chicago Chapter)
2018 Joe Burkett, CCIFP (Massachusetts Chapter)
2017 Pam Hummel (Orange County Chapter)
2016 Robert A. Biehl, CCIFP (Central Ohio Chapter)
2015 Marjorie J. Weber (Valley of the Sun Chapter)
2014 George M. Parrott, CCIFP (Middle Tennessee Chapter)
2013 Jackie L. Buck, CCIFP (Orange County Chapter)
2011 Steven D. Lords, CCIFP (Las Vegas Chapter)
2010 Pat Cebelak, CCIFP (Lansing Chapter)
2009 Gordon B. Marshall, CCIFP (Chicago Chapter)
2008 Richard F. King (Greater Berks-Lehigh Valley Chapter)
2007 Dianne R. Gillespie (Middle Tennessee Chapter)
2006 Jeffrey M. Robinson (Greater Detroit Chapter)
2005 Brian J. Cooney, CCIFP (Southeast Louisiana Chapter)
2004 Todd F. Taggart, CCIFP (Twin Cities Chapter)
2003 Patrick D. Monea, CCIFP (Lansing Chapter)
2002 Barbara J. Frantz (Greater Pittsburgh Chapter)
2001 John T. Metz (Chicago Chapter)
2000 David L. James, CCIFP (Valley of the Sun Chapter)
1999 Anthony R. Stagliano, CCIFP (Philadelphia Chapter)
1998 Victor M. Marshall, CCIFP (Greater Detroit Chapter)
1997 Dorothy M. Mulcahy (Valley of the Sun Chapter)
1996 Doug M. Lewanda (Connecticut Valley Chapter)
1995 Dale A. Wark (Philadelphia Chapter)
1994 John J. Corcoran (Valley of the Sun Chapter)
1993 H. Paul Chapman (Charlotte Chapter)
1992 William E. Miller (New Jersey Chapter)

  The Debra Hahn Memorial Association Award

The Debra Hahn Memorial Association Award was created by CFMA’s Executive Committee on July 14, 1991 as a remembrance of Debra Hahn, who died in a plane crash on March 18, 1991. Debra was one of the founders of CFMA’s Charlotte, NC Chapter, a former member of the Board of Directors, and treasurer of the Massachusetts Chapter at the time of her death.

This Memorial Award recognizes outstanding CFMA participation and activity on both the chapter and CFMA organization-wide levels. It is given each year to that CFMA General or Associate Member who exemplifies the following:

  • Enthusiasm in the promotion of CFMA
  • Contribution at the chapter level (including participation in CFMA functions and committees)
  • Involvement at the CFMA organization-wide level (including participation in CFMA functions and committees)
  • Activities that support CFMA’s Mission and Strategic Goals
  • Consideration for, and service to, fellow CFMA members
  • Significant years of contributions to CFMA

Scott joined CFMA in 1991 and is a member of the Central Virginia chapter where he was instrumental in restarting the chapter and hosting the first Regional Conference for the area. On an Association-wide level, Scott was a member of CFMA’s Executive Committee and served as CFMA’s Secretary from 2011-12.  He participated on multiple CFMA Committees, including the Membership, Heavy Highway, and Finance Committees, as well as chairing the Conference Planning Committee and was a Mentor in CFMA’s Mentor Program.

Scott consistently supports others and makes everyone around him better, goes above and beyond to do what's best for CFMA, is dedicated and innovative to provide quality education to CFMA members, provides thoughtful leadership at the local/regional/national levels, and is committed to and passionate about making a difference in all that he does. Scott is a selfless leader, makes time to listen to fellow members, and is committed to the chapter’s success.

Nominate a Member

Nominate a deserving member for the Debra Hahn Memorial Association Award!

The Danny B. Parrish Outstanding Leadership Award

The Danny B. Parrish Outstanding Leadership Award, named after its first recipient, was established by CFMA to recognize and publicly honor a CFMA member who:

  • Demonstrates the capacity to inspire and motivate others,
  • Exhibits a strong work ethic in achieving outcomes,
  • Has the ability to unite various sectors in achieving common goals,
  • Is an innovative thinker who has led CFMA to prosper through specific initiatives, and
  • Has demonstrated leadership capabilities over a minimum of 10 years of service, including chapter and CFMA organization-wide activities.

Don joined CFMA in 1985 and is a member of CFMA’s Houston chapter. He has been the chapter’s President, and Vice President, as well as a chapter Board Member for many years. He served as CFMA Chair from 2002-2003 and Chair of the former Institute of Certified Construction Industry Financial Professionals (now the Certification Board of CFMA) from 2005-2006.

He is the Past Chair Representative member of the 2024-2025 Executive Committee and a member of the Certification Complaints and Appeals Committee. Don has been a mentor in CFMA’s Mentor Program and many CFMA committees over the years.

2024 Don Stephens, CCIFP (Houston Chapter)
2023 Richard King CPA, CCIFP (Greater Berks‐Lehigh Valley Chapter)
2022 Kevin Booth (Las Vegas Chapter)
2019 David James (Valley of the Sun Chapter)
2017 Herbert W. Brownett, CCIFP (Philadelphia Chapter)
2016 Calvin Beyer (Puget Sound Chapter)
2015 Jackie Buck (Orange County Chapter)
2013 Tony R. Stagliano, CCIFP (Philadelphia Chapter)
2013 John J. Corcoran (Valley of the Sun Chapter)
2011 Patrick D. Monea, CCIFP (Lansing Chapter)
2009 Brian J. Cooney, CCIFP (Southeast Louisiana Chapter)
2008 Bill Schwab (Past National President & CEO)
2004 Richard R. Rice (Albuquerque Chapter)
2003 Gordon B. Marshall (Chicago Chapter)
2002 Steven D. Lords (Las Vegas Chapter)
2001 Danny B. Parrish (Houston Chapter)

2024 Pasty Anderson-Dunn, CCIFP (Portland Chapter)
2023 Aron Dunn, CCIFP (Greater Witchita Chapter)
2022 Lisa Autino, CCIFP (Valley of the Sun Chapter)
2021 Phil Zak, CCIFP (Colorado Chapter)
2020 Kimberly Hullfish, CCIFP (Philadelphia & South Jersey Chapters)

CCIFP Recognition Award

The CCIFP Recognition Award was created by the CCIFP officers in 2020 for purpose of recognizing a Certified Construction Industry Financial Professional (CCIFP) whose volunteer involvement contributed significantly to advancement of the certification. More specifically, the award is to acknowledge someone who exemplifies the following:

  • Achieved significant outcomes that supported CCIFP's mission and strategic goals.
  • Displayed a high level of enthusiasm in the promotion of certification.
  • Consideration for, and service to, fellow and potential CCIFP members.

This award is available every year, but not mandatory and awarded at the discretion of the selection committee.

Pasty Anderson-Dunn consistently promotes the CCIFP designation by increasing awareness and helping those who are interested. She has also assisted in creating and facilitating study groups, has been on the CCIFP Board, and has presented the "Your Path to CCIFP" many times at CFMA's Annual Conference & Exhibition. She has even helped other chapters create and support study groups for CCIFP.

Patsy has been a tireless advocate for CCIFP and is deserving of this recognition award.



The Chair's Award

The award was created by National Chair Mel Burges in 2011 for the purpose of recognizing a CFMA member who exhibited extraordinary performance for one or more CFMA initiatives during his/her term in office. This award is available every year, but not mandatory and awarded at the discretion of the Chair.

The first annual recipient of the Chair’s Award is Gordon Marshall for his tireless work in the development of CFMA’s first eLearning course, Revenue Recognition. Bringing this course to our members and profession was no small task and even though it was a team effort, Gordon was truly the driving force behind it and his work will be the framework for all future eLearning courses.


Despite having just finished her term as Chair, Pam willingly took on the task to assemble a task force who could identify what would be needed in a new CEO for CFMA and how to go about the process to find quality candidates and enable the leaders of this association to make this selection. It was an arduous task for which Pam would never take credit, but under her leadership, the task force brought forward several qualified candidates and provided leadership with the tools to come to agreement on choosing a new President and CEO. Pam put enormous energy and great thought into the entire process and enabled us to have everything in place for the transition.

2024 Pamela Hepburn, CCIFP (Northwest Ohio Chapter)
2023 Marsha and Todd Davis (Valley of the Sun Chapter)
2022 Wyatt Davis
2021 Stuart Binstock (CEO CFMA)
2020 Tony Stagliano (South Jersey Chapter / Philadelphia Chapter)
2018 Cal Beyer (Puget Sound Chapter)
2016 Al Clark (Georgia Chapter)
2015 John Armour (Orange County Chapter)
2014 Brian Summers (CFMA’s VP of Content Management & Education)
2013 Jerry Henderson (Kentuckiana Chapter)
2011 Gordon Marshall (Chicago Chapter)

In 2018, then-CFMA Chairman Joe McLaughlin wanted to recognize members who do exceptional work for CFMA, but whose efforts might not be acknowledged at the Executive level. He was reminded of the military tradition of the challenge coin – a small medallion or token that signifies a person is a member of an elite group. Since then, CFMA Executive Committee members have followed the tradition of giving out a limited number of Chairman’s Challenge Coins to CFMA members who exhibit service and excellence to CFMA.