Building Profits

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Construction & Suicide Prevention: Why Is This An Industry Imperative?

Nov 01, 2016

10 Questions Leaders Must Ask Themselves

Human Resources Workforce Building Profits Mental Health/Suicide Prevention
Data Protection Through Vendor Management

Nov 01, 2016

As contractors grant more outside parties access to company data, they must protect their informa...

Information Technology Building Profits
DPAD Regulations Revisited: What Contractors Need to Know

Nov 01, 2016

As part of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004, Congress passed the Domestic Production Activi...

Taxes Building Profits Residential Contractors
Fraud Detection & Prevention: Big Data Can Help Protect Assets

Nov 01, 2016

How is it possible to generate 5% greater profits without taking on additional projects?

Risk Management Information Technology Building Profits
Protect Your Company with the IRS’ Construction Audit Techniques Guide

Nov 01, 2016

As the construction industry returns to prerecession levels, CFMs should prepare for increased IR...

Taxes Building Profits
Serious Injury & Fatality: How Leadership & Communication Can Positively Impact Your Initiative

Nov 01, 2016

By now, Serious Injury & Fatality (SIF) may already be a topic of discussion at your organization.

Workforce Building Profits
Company-Wide Compliance Programs: Assign Responsibility & Create Accountability

Sep 01, 2016

As a construction company grows and expands, so do the intricacies, nuances, and responsibilities...

Human Resources Building Profits
Construction Defects: Understand the Risks & Implement Best Practices

Sep 01, 2016

As the construction industry rebounds, construction defect litigation may also increase.

Legal Building Profits
Cost Reporting: Alternatives in Today’s Systems Environment

Sep 01, 2016

Cost reporting is not as straightforward as when contractors first began automating the job cost ...

Information Technology Building Profits
Gearing Up for Modern-Day : “Trial By Combat”

Sep 01, 2016

Modern litigation is an alternative to older forms of conflict resolution, such as trial by combat.

Legal Building Profits
Handling Claims & Disputes Under the PCM

Sep 01, 2016

Despite efforts to ensure communication is clear and contracts are effectively worded, contractor...

Legal Taxes Building Profits
Managing the Risks Surrounding Your Workforce Data Analytics

Mar 01, 2017

Data analytics is changing how organizations define workforce management.

Workforce Building Profits Information Technology
A Safety Harness for the Bottom Line: Quality Assurance & Control

Sep 01, 2016

At the close of 2015, U.S. backlogs expanded as much as 3%

Risk Management Building Profits
Serious Injury & Fatality: Shifting Culture & Redefining Success

Sep 01, 2016

A much-needed shift is underway in the safety field related to how success is measured

Human Resources Workforce Building Profits
R&D Tax Credit Changes Open Doors for Contractors

Sep 01, 2016

Since 1981, Internal Revenue Code (IRC) §41, Credit for Increasing Research Activities, known as ...

Taxes Building Profits
Technology ROI: Understand Key Metrics & Assess the Risks

Sep 01, 2016

Investing in and implementing information technology (IT) can enhance efficiency and increase pro...

Information Technology Building Profits
Up, Up And Away: Unmanned Aircraft in Construction

Sep 01, 2016

Now that a final rule has been issued to regulate the use of small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS...

Information Technology Building Profits
Under the Microscope: Revolutionary Industry Data-Sharing Helps Employers Understand Total Cost of Care

Mar 01, 2017

If your company operates a self-funded medical plan, be prepared to dramatically change the way y...

Workforce Building Profits
Analytics & Management Dashboards for Business Success

Jul 01, 2016

With the increased use of computers and automation in construction, data is captured across many ...

Information Technology Building Profits
Protecting Liquid Investments in the Face of Interest Rate Hikes

Jul 01, 2016

For years, consumers and businesses alike have been concerned about the likelihood of a rate hike...

Accounting Reporting Income Recognition Building Profits
Minimizing the Risk of Joint Employer Liability

Jul 01, 2016

The majority of companies use contingent workers

Risk Management Building Profits
Showing 169 to 189 of 529 entries