NOTICE FOR MARCH 3-4, 2025: CFMA accounts will be inaccessible from 8 am on March 3, 2025, through 8 am on March 4, 2025, for maintenance. This may impact access to renew or join CFMA, Connection Café, CFMA's 2025 Annual Conference registration, BP Online, CFMA education, etc. Thank you for your patience, and please contact with any questions.

CFMA Building Profits Article Proposal Form

CFMA Building Profits is dedicated to providing construction financial professionals the information they need to do their jobs better. Our articles are written in an expository style, are at least 2,500 words, and include case studies and/or specific examples whenever possible. The use of graphs, charts, checklists, etc. is also encouraged. For more information on our magazine’s style, refer to the Publication Guidelines. Please fill out the online form below or complete and return a PDF.