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Voices of CFMA: Sonya Bohmann

On the September episode of Voices of CFMA, Sonya Bohmann, Executive Director of the Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention (CIASP), joins us for an important conversation about mental health in the construction industry. We discuss the formation of CIASP, the resources available to help prevent suicide, and the critical role self-care plays. As part of Suicide Prevention Month, this episode sheds light on how we can all contribute to creating a culture of support and awareness within the construction industry. 

Links to Check Out: 

The Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention: preventconstructionsuicide.com
Pledge to STAND Up for Suicide Prevention: preventconstructionsuicide.com/pledge-to-stand-up
Needs Analysis Tool: preventconstructionsuicide.com/needs-analysis
Toolbox Talks: preventconstructionsuicide.com/toolbox-talks
MindWise Screening Tool: screening.hfihub.com/ciasp

Featured Articles:

Fox Business Interview With Kevin O'Shea, CFMA Chicago Chapter Member & CIASP Treasurer: foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/suicide-rate-among-construction-workers-hits-crisis-levels-we-have-to-watch-out-each-other
NBC News Article: Construction workers are dying by suicide at an alarming rate: nbcnews.com/politics/economics/construction-workers-are-dying-suicide-alarming-rate-rcna156587