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The Value of a Safety Program

Investing in a safety program could raise profitability, competitiveness, and employee motivation and help the company minimize and prevent workplace injuries, accidents, medical expenses, and even death. Simple improvements could save you money as well. With a safety program, a business can:

  • Easily demonstrate they value their employees
  • Increase employee productivity
  • Help increase employee commitment by building a healthy workforce
  • Decrease business disruption and the associated costs
  • Meet the industry safety standards and expectations for their customers
  • Retain current employees

Every business owner is legally responsible for the safety of their employees. Costs associated with workplace accidents, injuries, legal proceedings, and insurance premiums can add up and contribute to loss of productivity, efficiency, and time. Health and safety management covers all business sectors no matter how large or small the company.

As an employer, it is crucial to consider the consequences of these incidents in the workplace. Future business and client relationships depend on how you respond and how prepared you are for damage control. Without a map to know where you started and where we are going, it can be impossible to make better decisions regarding the future of the company. In the same way, managing health and safety in the workplace starts with a written safety statement to act as your map.

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About the Author

Jorge Vazquez

Jorge Vazquez is currently the Director of Safety for the MAREK Family of Companies

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