Improving Your Organization in 2018

Keep a Tidy Workspace
A cluttered workspace seriously hampers efficiency. It makes it hard to find things and can make it harder to focus, which slows down your productivity. 

Develop a system to stop messy piles from building up and cluttering your desk. As soon as a piece of mail or file lands on your desk, act on it: complete a task, throw it away, file it, or place it in your inbox if it’s not something you can take care of immediately. Having a clear and organized desk will help you keep a better mindset and complete your daily tasks. 

While having a visibly organized workspace goes a long way (and also makes a good impression for clients or potential employees), make sure this extends to your desk drawers and less visible areas as well. Maintain an effective filing system, organize your supplies, and regularly clean all areas of your workspace. Apply these same standards to all office common areas to foster a productive work environment.

Stay On Top of Your Documentation
In construction if it isn’t documented, it didn’t happen. Good documentation aids in project communication, answers questions, and is often the deciding factor in clearing up misunderstandings. Make sure your firm has a document policy in place. Get your team together and clearly define what needs to be documented and retained, and ensure that it is put in writing.

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About the Author

Dennis Stejskal

Dennis Stejskal is Vice President of Strategy and Customer Success for the Construction and Real Estate business of Sage in its Beaverton, OR, location.

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