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ICCIFP Chairman's Message: The Latest News from the ICCIFP

COVID-19 has challenged everyone to review their business operations and make the necessary adjustments, and the same is true for the Institute of Certified Construction Industry Financial Professionals (ICCIFP). This year, ANSI completed its assessment virtually instead of in person. And while the ICCIFP normally conducts meetings online, we truly missed the face-to-face interactions we typically experience at CFMA’s Annual Conference & Exhibition. Like many of you, I struggle with camera interactions for a good portion of the day, and yet I am so impressed how we have all risen to the occasion.

I am also impressed by CFMA’s Conference Program Committee for their successful execution of CFMA’s first-ever Virtual Conference this year. While we were able to stay connected and CFMA was able to deliver valuable content, I still missed seeing so many of my CFMA/CCIFP friends in person. My personal challenge was giving my Chairman’s address virtually without seeing each of you and feeling your support, but I thank you for your feedback on my message

CFMA/ICCIFP Merger Exploration

It is critical that we engage our credential holders and CFMA members to receive input and address any concerns and questions surrounding the CFMA/ICCIFP merger exploration. I’m so pleased that, despite being virtual, we had more than 160 attendees participate in the recent Town Hall meeting. We had an in-depth discussion and I want to continue the dialogue. The exit survey results from the Town Hall meeting were positive, and I’m looking forward to hearing from more of you. If you were unable to attend, please visit to watch the meeting. You can also check out the Merger Exploration Committee Recommendations Summary, FAQs, and Town Hall meeting exit survey results at clark

The CCIFP Exam

Due to COVID-19, testing centers have closed, reopened, and closed again, which has made it challenging to sit for the exam. We submitted our application to ANSI for remote proctoring to solve this challenge. This was a rigorous exercise conducted by Veronica Whitehead, the ICCIFP’s Executive Director, and is critical to our continued success. Once approved, candidates will have the ability to take the CCIFP exam at home using a live remote proctor. 

Our committees continue to do great work during this difficult time. For example, our Exam Development Committee has worked diligently preparing for our new exam, which we plan to make available in September and will contain ASC Topic 606 revenue recognition items.

We also held a virtual CCIFP study group with 75 participants who are interested in taking the next step in their careers. We look forward to welcoming them to the CCIFP family.


Our Marketing Committee has been hard at work to fulfill this important part of our strategic plan. We engaged Big Voice Communications to work with this committee to build out the plan, and we are also working closely with Samantha Lake, CFMA’s Vice President of Marketing, to achieve this. Samantha was a true partner as we kicked off our CCIFP Month this August, and we’re very excited about this campaign and getting the word out.

I can’t thank our other committees and volunteers enough for making so much progress this fiscal year, despite both the personal and business impacts of COVID-19. When we work together, we can accomplish so much. Stay safe and be well! 

Copyright © 2020 by the Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA). All rights reserved. This article first appeared in September/October 2020 CFMA Building Profits magazine.

About the Author

Gretchen Kelly, CFO, CPA, CCIFP

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