An Unprecedented Year

While not willing to endanger our members and trusted vendors, we have tried to determine how to go forward this year with an annual Conference that can provide some of the networking our members so value. For that reason, we are embarking on CFMA’s Annual Conference & Exhibition with a hybrid of virtual and in-person attendance. So, what does that look like?

By the time you read this, CFMA’s Conference registration page ( will reiterate what I am about to tell you. To diminish the spread of COVID-19, CFMA will present a virtual conference event that attendees can experience from either the comfort of their home or office, or in one of six cities that will stream the virtual conference and offer in-person attendance.

We hope to hold live events in Atlanta, Dallas, Minneapolis, Phoenix, Portland, and Washington, D.C., where we have significantly large chapters. Attendance at each location will be limited to 100 attendees. Our goal is twofold: allow small groups of members to meet in one of six cities while continuing to provide outstanding education with even more CPE credits offered than last year.

Company Culture in a Remote Environment

Let’s now focus on the theme of this CFMA Building Profits issue, which includes articles on retaining top talent and company culture. It has often been said that culture trumps strategy; in other words, you can’t effectively implement your strategy if the company’s culture is not properly aligned. I have found that to be particularly accurate and even more relevant in today’s world since employees are more independent than ever before. The reality is, if you haven’t hired the right people, and you don’t retain your top talent, then your fantastic strategic plan will never get accomplished. This is an issue I personally have found to be critical to success, and I find this adage to be even more accurate in 2021.

As we look back on this unprecedented year, I encourage you to read Chairman Kevin Booth’s message in this issue. He provides a comprehensive look back on the challenges we faced this past year and how we have met them head on.

Speaking of Kevin, as we begin a new fiscal year, I can’t thank him enough for his can-do attitude and creative ways of connecting with our members. It has truly been my honor and pleasure to work with him.

Now, it’s time to welcome Pamela Hepburn, CCIFP, CFMA’s 2021-22 Chairman. Pam brings a slightly different style to this role but is equally committed to doing what is best for CFMA and its members. Please join me in welcoming Pam, who looks forward to working with all of you over the next year. And, if all goes according to plan, I will see you somewhere out in the land of CFMA at a local chapter, regional conference, or industry event. It’s time to leave the couch!

Copyright © 2021 by the Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA). All rights reserved. This article first appeared in March/April 2021 CFMA Building Profits magazine.

About the Author

Stuart Binstock

Stuart Binstock previously served as CFMA's President and CEO for over 12 years, retiring in August 2023. He has more than 25 years of experience in the construction industry, having served in key leadership positions in organizations such as AGC, AIA, and NECA.

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