Risk Management for Construction Finance Certificate Program: Project Cost Management
Mar 5, 2024 - 3:00 PM (ET) - Live, Online
Hosted by CFMA
About this Event
Tues., Mar. 5, 2024, from 3-5 PM ET
CFMA’s Risk Management for Construction Finance Certificate Program has been designed as an advanced certificate of completion program to specifically address the risk management needs of CFPs. This is the fourth module of the program.
Project Cost Management
CFPs often lament that project management personnel are excellent at building but lack a well-rounded understanding of cost management. Profit protection and enhancement should be the focus of all operations teams, and the CFP is the engine that drives these processes. By expanding beyond financial reporting of “the news” and becoming a partner to operations, the CFP is doing its part to protect job profit.
By the end of this module, you will be able to:
- Establish process rhythm for effective job profitability review and management.
- Foster a culture of clear, open communication and proactive situation management.
- Identify negative trends in job cost early — before problems become more expensive to solve.
- Improve the financial acumen of project teams and operations leaders across your organization.
Level & Prerequisites
This is a group internet-based certificate program at the Advanced Level. Some prereading and preparation is required before participating in each module in the program.
CPE Information
Earn 2.0 CPE credits for attending each module, with a total of 10.0 CPE credits in the field of Management Services upon completion of the entire program.
Please note that CPE credits can only be earned by attending the live modules and are not available by watching the recordings.
CCIFP Information
Earn 2.0 CCIFP Professional Development credits for attending each module, with a total of 10.0 CCIFP Professional Development credits toward the General or Construction Requirement upon completion of the entire program.
Who Should Attend?
- Business owners
- CFOs
- Construction financial professionals
- Controllers
- CPAs who provide services to construction clients as well as insurance agents and brokers
- Internal risk management professionals and/or general counsel
- Risk managers
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