Top Memories & Thoughts About My Involvement in Certification

As CFMA recently celebrated 40 years, I wanted to celebrate some top moments since joining CFMA in 1999 and becoming certified in 2004. While these memories are unique to me, many of them were shared with other CFMA members and friends. I appreciate this organization, its members, and our collective passion for this industry and the credential. Let’s celebrate memories together and look forward to making many more!  

CFMA’s 2003 Annual Conference & Exhibition: Herb Brownett declared that, in one year, CFMA would have a certification exam! What!?

Inaugural Exam Question Writing: I was recruited to participate in exam question writing for the inaugural exam — that was hard!

First Certified Construction Industry Financial Professional (CCIFP) Exam, New Orleans 2004: With a huge group of test takers, it felt like the CPA exam all over again — more than two hours of pouring my knowledge out on the table!

Post Exam 2004: Bourbon Street here we come!

Passing the CCIFP Exam: Sitting for and passing the CCIFP exam was personally rewarding and affirmed my abilities within the profession. Further, it provided an opportunity to advocate for our profession, its unique educational demands, and its complex nature.

CCIFP Committees: I have participated on numerous committees over the years with many fellow certificate holders and CFMA members. It’s a great way to support Certification and meet new people.

Certification Liaison: I served as the Executive Committee Liaison to the formerly known Institute of Certified Construction Industry Financial Professionals (ICCIFP), which allowed me to bridge gaps and create a stronger relationship between the organizations. I also wrote a memorandum that called for strategic planning and a vision that focused the organization to action.

Strategic Planning & CFMA/ICCIFP Merger Task Force: I was asked to serve on the former ICCIFP’s Strategic Planning Task Force as it entered exploration and discussions with CFMA on a possible merger. It was a great group, and I am extremely proud of our efforts and, ultimately, the approved merger with CFMA.

Certification Vice Chairman: I was asked by Gretchen Kelly to serve on the former ICCIFP Board as the Vice Chairman, and I was honored to serve and jumped at the opportunity. What a fantastic team!

Certification Merged into CFMA: On April 1, 2021, the two organizations merged. It was a great effort and a fantastic example of teamwork by both organizations.

Awards: During CFMA’s 2021 Hybrid Conference, I had the honor of presenting awards to two past Chairmen, Gretchen Kelly and Melissa Rutledge, and recognizing their contributions.

Certification Chairman: This year has flown by, and the integration of Certification into CFMA has been a heavy lift. Thanks to the many great volunteers who led the way! My CFMA and Certification experience has been enriched beyond description.

CFMA Strategic Planning: I recently participated in CFMA’s 2021 Strategic Planning Retreat with CFMA’s Officers and other selected members where we focused on the mission, vision, and path for the next five years. With the merger complete, it was a fantastic opportunity to integrate Certification into all aspects of the goals and strategies moving forward.

Staff: The hardest working and most dedicated group of professionals — shout out to them all. They are some very special people, and without them, we would have no certification program. A big thank you to all the staff!

While this is just a peek at many of my memories within Certification, I am sure they have common threads for many members and CCIFPs. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to serve Certification and CFMA at large. We have a world-class credential and Association! 

Copyright © 2022 by the Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA). All rights reserved. This article first appeared in January/February 2022 CFMA Building Profits magazine.

About the Author

Patrick Cebelak

Patrick A. Cebelak, CPA, CCIFP, is President at Triangle Associates in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

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