Meet the Member: Daniel Stanhope

Meet Daniel Stanhope, Partner at AAFCPAs, Inc. in Wesborough, MA. He took some time to sit down with us and share more about his life in and out of the office. Check it out: 


Q1: Do you have children? 

A1: Yes I have 3 boys, ages 10, 8, and 4 who keep me very busy!


Q2: How did you get into accounting? 

A2: My high school offered a course through a local college. Unfortunately, the credits didn't transfer, but it gave me the entrée into the field.


Q3: What do you do to unwind from work? 

A3: I like to cook, griddle, smoke meat, and spend time with my family.


Q4: Are you married? 

A4: Yes, coming up on 15 years!


Q5: What is your favorite movie? 

A5: Braveheart


Q6: What’s your guilty pleasure? 

A6: Sour beers — there are a lot of different variations and styles.


Q7: What’s your favorite holiday to celebrate? 

A7: Christmas, and I love the time between Christmas and New Years when things slow down and you are able to enjoy time with family.


Q8: Where did you grow up at? 

A8: I grew up in Leicester, which is a small town near Worcester, Massachusetts.


Q9: When did you become a CFMA member? 

A9: August 2014


Q10: What have you learned about being a leader? 

A10: Everyone responds to things differently. We have implemented Type Coach at our firm, which has helped us flex to different people's styles. It has made a huge difference in my leadership style.