Cybersecurity Best Practices

The latest technology and mobile solutions have enabled the construction industry to make great strides, but these advances bring costly security risks. In fact, a recent study found that in 2016, the average consolidated total cost of a data breach is $4 million.1 Cybersecurity should be top of mind for all CFMs; protecting your data now will save time, frustration, and money in the long run. Here are some easy-to-implement best practices to help get you started.

Set Up a Firewall 
A firewall is a network security system that monitors all incoming and outgoing network traffic to protect unauthorized access. It serves as a good first line of defense in protecting your data. 

Be Vigilant
Spam filters will catch common junk e-mail or potential phishing attacks, but it’s important to also be vigilant about identifying suspicious messages that get past e-mail filters. Be on the lookout for e-mails from unknown senders, e-mails with untrustworthy links, or hackers posing as a trustworthy person or organization looking to obtain sensitive information such as passwords, social security numbers, or financial information. This information should never be shared online. Train employees on how to handle these types of situations and identify who may receive sensitive information and under what circumstances. 

Install Anti-Malware Software 
Anti-malware software protects against infections such as viruses, worms, spyware, and adware. It’s another layer of protection that will help protect your data if, for example, someone clicks on a link containing a virus. 

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About the Author

Dennis Stejskal

Dennis Stejskal is Vice President of Strategy and Customer Success for the Construction and Real Estate business of Sage in its Beaverton, OR, location.

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