Building Profits

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Managing Cash Flow Amid COVID-19

Jul 01, 2020

Companies across the U.S. have felt the immediate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in devastating ...

Accounting Budgeting & Planning Building Profits
Treasurer’s Report for FYE 2020

Jan 29, 2021

In these uncertain times, I’m pleased to say with confidence that, thanks to the hard work and de...

Accounting Reporting Building Profits
Technology & Productivity in Construction

Jul 01, 2020

As construction companies are increasingly doing more with less, the demand for construction cont...

Information Technology Building Profits
Embrace Technology for Success & New Opportunities

Jan 29, 2021

Okay, I wouldn’t call myself a Neanderthal (although some of my colleagues might). Let’s just cal...

Information Technology Human Resources Building Profits
The CFM’s Horizon for 2019

Jan 22, 2021

As another busy year ends, let’s take a look at issues that will continue to impact construction ...

Budgeting & Planning Building Profits Taxes
The Impact of Culture on Growing Construction Operations

In the past, developing the culture of an organization – i.e., the social order and norms as to w...

Workforce Building Profits
Turning Numbers Into Insight: Enhance Your Influence & Credibility

Nov 01, 2018

As the economy strengthens, construction financial professionals have an exciting opportunity to ...

Accounting Economy Building Profits
But They’ll Never Retire: Overcoming Management Succession Procrastination

Jan 22, 2021

When construction executives speak of making an effective leadership and ownership transition, th...

Human Resources Leadership Building Profits
Improve Your Company’s Billing & Collections

Jan 22, 2021

Contractors take on tremendous risk when they perform work.

Accounting Reporting Building Profits
CFMA’s 2018 Construction Financial Benchmarker Executive Summary

Jan 22, 2021

CFMA and Industry Insights are pleased to present the Executive Summary from CFMA’s 2018 Construc...

Accounting Reporting Building Profits Benchmarking
Is Everything You Know About Lien Waivers Wrong?

Jan 22, 2021

In the construction industry, the lien waiver is an unassuming document that is constantly exchan...

Contracts Building Profits Legal Residential Contractors
M&As: Streamlining the People, Culture & Processes

Jan 22, 2021

With many businesses reluctant to pass the baton on to the next generation of talent, long with a...

Budgeting & Planning Workforce Building Profits Leadership
The New Qualified Business Income: An Overview

Jan 22, 2021

Beginning in 2018, taxpayers can deduct up to 20% of their income from pass-through entities such...

Taxes Building Profits
Group Whole Life Insurance: Considerations for Contractors

Jan 22, 2021

The ability to attract and retain top talent in the contractor space is one of the most pressing...

Risk Management Building Profits
Assembling the Modern Contractor’s Professional Liability Policy

Jan 22, 2021

Construction businesses continue to experience tremendous growth.

Legal Building Profits Risk Management
Business Continuity Considerations: What’s Important?

Jan 22, 2021

Business continuity planning focuses on preserving and protecting a business from an unexpected “...

Budgeting & Planning Human Resources Leadership Building Profits Risk Management
Improve Your Bottom Line With Captive Insurance

Jan 22, 2021

Insurance has long been a necessary tool for contractors and subcontractors and is commonly viewe...

Risk Management Contracts Building Profits
It’s Time to Stop the Pain: Preventing Overexertion Injuries

Jan 22, 2021

In the construction industry, overexertion injuries form a serious and growing problem affecting ...

Specialty Contractors Budgeting & Planning Human Resources Building Profits Risk Management
Fresh Perspectives: The Unassuming Fraudster & How Businesses Can Prevent Fraud

Jan 22, 2021

When considering fraud in today’s world, names that may come to mind include Bernie Madoff, Denni...

Risk Management Legal Human Resources Building Profits
Fresh Perspectives: Blockchain Technology Explained

Jan 22, 2021

Blockchain technology offers a new way to process and store transactions, eliminating a lot of ma...

Information Technology Economy Building Profits
Compliance Tracking Simplified: ERP Solutions for Every Contractor

Jan 22, 2021

Now more than ever, contractors must invest in the right resources to track, verify, and report c...

Information Technology Building Profits
Showing 64 to 84 of 529 entries