Engaging Your Passion for Certification

As a newly merged division, our future is extremely bright and full of possibilities. We have achieved in this merger what many have longed for and worked so hard to achieve. Thank you to all who supported the process and worked to get us here. With the combined strengths and the support of both CFMA and ICCIFP, the future of certification is on solid ground. Still, in order to achieve our full potential, we need to embrace our collective passion for certification, and we need you to help!

The People

The key to unlocking passion is through people and purpose. We have the people – the certificate holders who are making connections, networking, spreading the word, sharing the education, and learning in order to advance their careers and the profession. But it is up to certificate holders and non-members alike to embrace certification with high energy and enthusiasm. Encourage those with whom you work – and companies for which you work – to promote certification and even require that construction financial professionals in your companies get certified. Become a certification champion and encourage and inspire others to become engaged. With an energized base and integration into CFMA, we look forward to growing and increasing our market penetration, industry exposure, and professional credibility.

The Purpose

Our common purpose to make certification the standard of excellence for construction financial professionals is grounded in the body of knowledge that makes our profession and industry so unique. Your drive to educate, learn, and share is the energy that we must harness to expand our ranks and further our reach. A marketing focus and powerful campaign geared toward a targeted audience will lead to significant growth opportunities in the years to come.

The Passion

Combining the people with the purpose creates an unstoppable passion that will advance our mission. With change comes opportunity. While we do not have all the answers about the Certification Division post-merger, staff, officers, and volunteers are working tirelessly to lay the foundation for a successful future and path forward. CFMA has committed the energy and resources to ensure a successful and prosperous future.

We have the opportunity to alter the trajectory of certification and drive greater adoption of the CCIFP credential and provide an expanded reach. With collaboration, dedication, and drive, I believe we can achieve our goals with people, purpose, and passion for certification.

I am humbled by the opportunity to serve as the Certification Board Chairman. My goals are to exemplify my passion for certification in everything I do. My fellow officers and committee members make it easy to lead a fantastic and talented team, and they deserve a thank you and our collective appreciation. CFMA HQ staff provides support and leadership that is second to none, and they deserve our appreciation and gratitude.

I will bring my passion for certification in everything I do. Please join me!

Copyright © 2021 by the Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA). All rights reserved. This article first appeared in March/April 2021 CFMA Building Profits magazine.

About the Author

Patrick Cebelak

Patrick A. Cebelak, CPA, CCIFP, is President at Triangle Associates in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

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